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Brockham Hort Soc 2023 talks

Please see below for details of Brockham's upcoming talks.

We are pleased and excited to announce that all of our talks have now been booked for Spring 2023 and the dates are as follows:

Monday 20th February - Keeping Bees

Karen Ford & Becki Gibbs from Dorking Bee Keepers will talk to us about how they got into beekeeping, Reigate Beekeeping Club, the beekeeping year, pollination and harvesting the honey. They will also show a few short video clips of inside the hive and collecting a swarm and also bring along an empty hive to take apart and show everyone. The evening will finish with a honey tasting session quiz (with prize!).

Monday 20th March - Jim Buttress, 65 Years in Horticulture (My recollections and memories of a long lifetime in horticulture)

Jim Buttress is a renowned horticulturalist who has spent a lifetime in horticulture. Seen on TV in the documentary The World Garden at Lullingstone and more recently as the popular judge in The Big Allotment Challenge. He is a well-known radio presenter and regularly appears on BBC Radio Surrey/Sussex Dig it on a Sunday morning.

He has won eight gold medals at RHS Chelsea and was awarded the Victoria Medal of Honour (VMH) in 2006 in recognition of his unrivalled contribution to horticulture.

Monday 17th April - Propagation - A Practical Demonstration

Propagation is an easy and inexpensive way to get new plants from plants you already have.

We are pleased to welcome back Mark Dobell, who will be giving us the benefit of his experience as a trained Horticulturalist and discuss and demonstrate a variety of methods which can be used. He will also share with us his recent trials, experiments and successes with different peat free mediums. Bring along any questions you might have regarding propagation and be prepared for a practical and entertaining evening.

Please note that due to the increasing interest in our talks, we have moved the venue to Brockham Village Hall. This is to ensure there is seating for everyone. As usual, all our talks start at 7:30pm, refreshments will be served and everyone is welcome, so please bring friends. Members £3 and non-members £5.

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