'A Modern Kitchen Garden' by Mark Dobell
Mark has give several very successful talks at the Garden Shed so we have invited him back to give us advice on the transformation of the traditional kitchen garden into a modern and more adaptable kitchen garden for all the family.
It will include advice on growing a variety of fruit and vegetable that you can try, together with advice on soil management. So if you have not grown fruit and vegetables before or not had much success, this is a talk you mustn’t miss.
Mark Dobell
with his talk
A Modern
Kitchen Garden
Tuesday 6th February 2024
at 7.30pm
at the
The Stepping Stones Pub, Westhumble. RH5 6BS
Tickets £6 on the door – no need to book
All very welcome
Willow Weaving Workshop with Nicki Rowling
Create your own Live Willow Harlequin Tree
Mickleham Village Hall, RH5 6EE
Saturday 16th March 2024 9.15am - 12.30pm
Cost £45 - All materials and homemade refreshments included - Booking essential
Payment by 24th February - Bank transfer to The Garden Shed a/c no. 10821752 Sort code 09-01-29
We will need to know numbers by 24th February as Nicki needs to order the willow before it sells out. The 24th February will be the cut off date for booking so please book as soon as possible.
Any questions contact Pauline - paulinedavis33@icloud.com